August 24, 2015 ryanjuckett No comments

Bit Bash 2015

I just got back from visiting Bit Bash in Chicago where INVERSUS was on display . This was the both the biggest festival INVERSUS has been to and the biggest screen it has been played on. The number of attendees was in the thousands and the game was set up on this giant projection screen. It was […]

August 19, 2015 ryanjuckett No comments

Steam Greenlit

INVERSUS was greenlit on Steam yesterday! Prior to starting the greenlight process, I was rather curious about what to expect and what I should be doing. Thus, I read a bunch of postmortems about other games’ experiences in the process. People say it is far easier than it has ever been and perhaps another postmortem isn’t of […]

August 16, 2015 ryanjuckett No comments

Subtle Squish – Part 2

In a previous post about polishing the impact frames when the player slams into a wall, I mentioned wanting to make one more adjustment. The player should stretch just a hair parallel to the wall when it squishes into it. So here is a quick update showing where I’ve ended up for now. And once again, this is a lot […]

August 11, 2015 ryanjuckett No comments

INVERSUS Newsletter – August 11, 2015

The latest edition of the INVERSUS Newsletter has hit the shelves. Click here to read the full print, or read below for the highlights. Steam Greenlight On Sunday afternoon, INVERSUS officially entered the fray of Steam Greenlight. For those unaware, Greenlight is community driven method for making a game available on the Steam marketplace. Once passing the Greenlight […]

August 8, 2015 ryanjuckett One comment

Subtle Squish

Adding an assortment of subtle polish items to your game is a great way to create that je ne sais quoi that leads to comments about fluidity, feel, and tight controls. Each little bit might not have a huge impact, but the summed result separates you from the crowd. Inversus has a very minimalist aesthetic and at first […]