August 12, 2016 ryanjuckett 6 comments

Analog to Digital Input Translation

It’s common to use an analog input method (control stick, trigger button) to control a digital system. Maybe you want to control menus with an analog stick. Maybe you want to detect a tap or double-tap of the analog stick. Or, as is the focus of this article, maybe you want to fire a bullet with […]

March 24, 2016 ryanjuckett 25 comments

Interpreting Analog Sticks

When a game supports controllers, the player is likely using an analog stick at all times. Nailing the input processing can have a substantial impact on quality throughout the experience. Let’s walk through some core concepts along with examples from INVERSUS. Inspection Before tuning the analog stick, you need to know how it works. What is the hardware […]

October 26, 2015 ryanjuckett 7 comments

Reducing Perceived Attack Delay

I have long been interested in the ramification of control schemes on a game design, and I hope this post helps demonstrate the importance of subtle input nuances. I also want to present an example of the work, thought and exploration requires when designing a responsive interaction. INVERSUS has two core attacks. A quick tap of the fire button will shoot a […]