August 24, 2015 ryanjuckett No comments

Bit Bash 2015

I just got back from visiting Bit Bash in Chicago where INVERSUS was on display . This was the both the biggest festival INVERSUS has been to and the biggest screen it has been played on. The number of attendees was in the thousands and the game was set up on this giant projection screen.

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It was showing on the far side of the festival floor and attendees couldn’t see the screen when first entering the space which was unfortunate, but they could see this rad He-Man themed half pipe with Omnibus on display, and that helped draw people into view of INVERSUS.


There was also plenty of room to build a line and watch the current match!

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Later in the night, there were a bunch of DJ sets in the center of the room to draw in a crowd and play the game under the atmosphere of a smoke machine.

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With Bit Bash volunteers manning the game, I got to sit back and observe. It is likely that more new people played the game there than have ever played before. I took a bunch of notes about potential improvements to add to my ever growing list; now I need to figure which, if any, to tweak before PAX next weekend.

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