May 23, 2018 ryanjuckett One comment

Additional Thoughts on Skill Ratings

I suspect I’d get significant value from writing about systems earlier in their development because breaking a system down in words often leads to new insights. Over the past week I’ve been thinking about my recent post on how online skill ranking works in INVERSUS Deluxe. If you haven’t read it or aren’t deeply familiar with […]

May 15, 2018 ryanjuckett 6 comments

The Online Skill Ranking of INVERSUS Deluxe

Online skill ranking was one of the big features added to the Deluxe edition of INVERSUS and building it was uncharted territory on my part. It required a bunch of learning and is one of the systems players ask about the most so I’d like to share some behind the scenes details regarding how it […]

December 6, 2016 ryanjuckett 11 comments

Rollback Networking in INVERSUS

INVERSUS is a fast-paced shared-screen multiplayer game for up to four players. It is the type of game that would traditionally be local-multiplayer, and for a long time I thought latency issues would make it a poor candidate for online. Late in development, I committed to adding online support with the mindset that a “playable but inferior” […]